10 Resep  Masakan delicious West Java  specialties : Flixabay
10 Resep  Masakan delicious West Java  specialties : Flixabay

10 Resep  Masakan delicious West Java  specialties : Flixabay

10 Resep  Masakan delicious West Java  specialties

These 10 recipes of Western Javanese cuisine that we will  review  must be familiar because they are really popular foods that are loved by many people. Each region in Indonesia has a special traditional food with different flavors but still delicious, including Western Java.

Western Java  has a traditional food with a unique taste, which tends to be spicy and sour. And not only that, most traditional West Asian foods contain basic fish ingredients, such as tengof giri fish. You can make this traditional food even at home because it is quite easy.

So when you’re bored at home, you can try some menus that we’ll explain below. There are many traditional West Asian foods you can try, from dry food to soup. For more details, let’s look at 10 recipes  for Western Javanese cuisine.

West Indies’ Sedblak

Seblak is one of the traditional West Arawak foods that flourish in various regions. Seblak has its own distinctive taste that makes many people interested, more precisely spiced with the taste and dense taste of spices. The relatively inexpensive price is suitable for all circles, such as students employed.

Seblax consists of crackers, feet, meatballs, sausages and seasonals of    garlic,  onion,  cayenne taxi, pecan,  egg,  gallangal  , salt  and sugar. How to make it is also easy, more precisely by pouring mashed spices then add the main ingredients and add the broth water to taste.

Tutug Oncom Rice

One of the dishes is included in 10 recipes for Western Javanese plant food, more precisely oncom tutug rice. This traditional tastykmlajska food tastes tastier when   eaten with warm  rice. Before making, prepare ingredients such as onkom,  cayenne pepper,  onion,  garlic, galangal and salt.

Another complementary ingredient is grilled paste that will give a good  taste to oncom tutug rice. The way it is made is to bake all the ingredients except until it dries. Then purify all the spices, at the same time oncom and then stir the season with warm rice so that it can be eaten.

Karedok specialties

The following 10 recipes for West Asian vegetable food are karedok. This food is almost similar to pectilla, but the vegetableused used in karedok is raw vegetables,  such as  eggplant, cucumber,  basil,  cabbage,  long beans,  tomatoes,  lettuce , to roll over. Then a sauce will be added for the peanut season such as baked goods.

This spice is made from beans,  garlic,  javanese sugar,  cayenne pepper, salt and pure gallangal  . The way to eat it is to mix vegetables that have been cut into pieces and then mix them with the peanut season until it is evenly distributed.   This Western Javanese food is ready to be eaten with your beloved family.

Cireng, a typical Western Javanese snack

Cyrilg is one of 10 Western Avant cuisine recipes that  you should not miss. There are many variations of cireng flavors that you can find on the market so that you can choose according to your taste. Ingredients for making cyrengo include wheat flour, garlic  , pepper powder and salt.

The way to make it is to mix tapioca and wheat flour, then add the other ingredients while slowly pouring warm water. Do not forget to stir the dough so that all the ingredients are evenly mixed. After that, take it little by little the dough and shape it as crackers only then can it be fried.

Укусни марангги сатаy

One of the following 10 recipes for Western Javanese cuisine  is maranggi satay. This food is widely found in Purwakarta so do not forget to try this food. If you lack the desire to enjoy this typical Purwakarta satay, then you can make it yourself at home.

Pre-prepare seasons made from cumin, coriander powder, red sugar, garlic, tamarind, soybeans, salt and pepper. Purify all the ingredients and add water to form a liquid season, then prepare the beef, which is cut into small pieces. Satya is ready to be scattered with the season.

Warming surabi food

If you like delicious  snacks  that will accompany your daily life, Surabi may be the right choice, especially if you eat it with coffee, it can warm your body. The ingredients used in making Surabi are rice flour, wheat  flour,  onkom,  salt, coconut milk and toppings to their taste.

The method of preparation is also quite easy, more precisely by mixing rice flour, wheat flour and salt. After that, add a little coconut milk at the same time stirring it until smooth. Glue the dough to be smoother, then let stand for 1 hour. After that, pour the dough into molds with the addition of dressing to the top of the surabi.

Peuyeum from Kasava

Peuyem is one of the 10 recipes of Western Cuisine that  you should try. Fermented processed cassava products can be made yourself at home because of the easy ingredients and production methods. You need to prepare ingredients, such as cleaned cassava and tempeh yeast to taste.

The first step you need to prepare is to cook the cassava steamed until it is cooked. Remove and drain dry, then sprinkle with yeast over the cassava. Put the cassava in a container, then tightly close the container. Wait about 3 to 5 days for the cassava to turn into tape.

Gayrot Tofu Food

10 recipes for Western Javanesian food with vegetables will be complemented by the presence of gayrot tofu. This traditional Cirebon food with a persistent sheath seasonal soup is made from tofu pong, salt, soy sauce, sugar, onion, garlic,  cayenne pepperand water.

The way it is made is to mix tamarind, soy sauce, salt,  water and sugar until    thickened. If it is mixed, then strain the solution to make it tastier later. Do not forget to mix the ulek material until it is evened out so that it is easier to whip the tofu pong, which is cut into pieces.

Legit Dodol Recipe

Who doesn’t know this dish, it’s legal from West Java. You may often buy it as a souvenir during a holiday in West Java. Youcan  make it  yourself from home. Recipes include  white sugar, white  glutinous rice, various flavored pastes, brown  sugar, coconut milk  and milk  sour cream.

The way to make it is to cook coconut milk together with milk sour cream,  Javanese  sugar,  white glutathione rice, sugar and water. Mix all ingredients evenly until cooked. Then separate the dough into several parts so that different colors can be added and then rolled into small pieces as a dodol to be sold.

Tsomro and Misro Recipe

If you are not satisfied with the above typical  Western Javanese recipes, then you can try making comro and misro. Cassava is the basic ingredient for making these two foods that are chopped and then formed into melons. Add other spices, such as pepper,  salt, coriander and grated coconut.

Evenly combine all the ingredients until it forms a dough. Then, take it little by little and shape it into melon manner. Don’t forget to add a filling to it, such as brown sugar  and oncom so that it adds to the addictive flavor.

There are still many foods from West Java that you can try to make at home. Light materials and ways to make it you can make it without having to go to buy it in Western Java. That’s why you need to try 10  recipes for Western Javanese vegetables.

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